Friday, March 18, 2011

Global Oneness Day and Humanity's Team

LileStyle Productions launches plan to document the global efforts of Humanity's Team, a grassroots spiritual movement, and their endeavor to spread peace throughout the planet by creating Global Oneness Day.

Imagine Global Oneness. What would that look like? How would it feel? Where would it take us, the human population, and how far?

Global Oneness is not far off and many agree that it is closer than ever before. A global organization, Humanity's Team, works day in and day out to bring the Oneness reality to the lives of people around the world and through their efforts a new day of celebration is born.

On May 20, 2010, teammates from several different countries around the world, came together to give the United Nations a petition containing the signatures of over 50,000 people worldwide.

Global Oneness Day was celebrated for the first time on October 24, 2010 across several nations. People continue to sign the petition declaring Global Oneness Day as an official and observed Holiday.

“We continue the work for the creation of Global Oneness Day and in the future... sometime soon...every day... will be Oneness Day.” ~ Worldwide Coordinating Director, Steve Farrell

This film explores the experiences of the group of people behind Humanity's Team and the steps taken to create global awareness of Oneness through the creation of Global Oneness Day.

The concept development is nearing completion and initial filming began during the historic presentation of the Oneness Petition to the United Nations during the 2010 Global Council meeting held in New York City in May 2010.

The next phase of the filming is planned for the 2011 Global Council meeting to be held in Delphi, Greece. Final editing and release will follow. To Learn More Visit

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