It's a Social Media Boot Camp for Authors!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 from 2pm – 3:30pm Eastern (11am – 12:30pm Pacific)
During this webinar you will learn Why Facebook and Twitter work and how you can use them to build an audience and keep them engaged with you and your message.
Here is an overview of the presentation:
1. Understanding how people interact with Facebook.
2. Why Facebook works to drive engagement with your message.
3. A brief tutorial about setting up your Facebook Page.
4. Understanding how people interact with Twitter.
5. Why Twitter works to drive engagement with your message.
6. What's with Google+ and whether you should be putting yourself there.
7. Why it's important to listen to social media.
8. Learn how to use promotions and advertising to build up a following.
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About your Presenter:
"I shall not talk in class"
"I shall not talk in class"
"I shall not talk in class"
Even at a young age she was embracing her love for communicating messages. It's no surprise that Angie has found her way into the hearts of some of the world's most profound spiritual authors which have given her the responsibility of amplifying their messages to people all over the world.
Using the video skills she acquired from the New York-based Food Network coupled with her years of social media expertise, Angie has grown her business to include many more writers, while she continues to expand on her social media training.
Each year Angie attends Social Media Seminars led by the World's most successful Social Media leaders in Industry Marketing. She has learned Twitter tactics from Guy Kowasaki and some really great Facebook strategies from the experts who handle Hallmark, Southwest Airlines and Sprint.
Many hours are spent each day pouring over social media news about trends and disasters, making her a literal Maven on the subject. All of her friends agree that if you mention Social Media in Angie's presence, you might not get her to shut up!
Along with managing accounts for several authors and for, Angie has provided Social Media advice to some of the world's top Authors including: Neale Donald Walsch, Author of Conversations with God and other New York Times best-selling books; Hay House Author Doreen Virtue who has written over 20 books about Angels and Spirituality; and Ghost Whisperer's Producer and World Famous Medium, James Van Praagh just to name a few.
Here is what Neale Donald Walsch has to say about Angie's expertise:
"Angie Lile knows the Social Media world inside and out, making it not necessary for me to. I have been able to focus on my life's work, knowing I've got Angie behind me. Using the combined tools of CWG's wonderful insights and Angie's remarkable expertise, a wide and continuously enlarging audience has been able to be satisfied in their search for this message. When I was young, those with something to say had to find their audience. Today our audience is trying to find us. Angie's genius is to render my message easily findable and visually accessible. All I have to do is source the material. For me this is heaven, because I don't want to have to know all that Angie knows in order to get done all that I want to get done. Do you suppose that 'Angie" is short for 'Angel'?"
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